Rumors of Changes to the Concealed Carry Law

I hear all sorts of things every day from fellow instructors, students and people on the street about all the changes that could be coming.  The fact is that nothing major is expected.  That comes from the experts in Springfield, like our NRA lobbyist Todd Vandermyde.

Here is the deal.  “Our side” has enough votes to improve the concealed carry law for us and lessen the restrictions.  However, the leadership in Springfield (Senate Majority Leader John Cullerton and Speaker of the House Mike Madigan) don’t want to allow those bills to get a vote.

Meanwhile, the anti-gun crowd continually proposes all sorts of crazy laws to restrict our Right to Bear Arms and the bills will go nowhere, because they don’t have the votes.

So we can all take a deep breath – what we have is what we’ll have for a while.  That is not to say that the NRA, ISRA and Todd Vandermyde and and all of our advocates are not working hard for us!

So far, the Illinois State Police website for applying for the License to Carry is functioning alright.  Yes, there are some glitches (like you can’t use a “Mac” and you need to use Internet Explorer instead of Google Chrome), but on balance, this has been pretty smooth.


More details / updates to come!

